Answered By: Lisa Louis
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2019     Views: 90

Yes, if you don't return items that you have checked out on time, then you have to pay a fine.

The fines are:

Circulating Materials Fines
Books $0.25 per day per item
Dissertations, Theses $0.25 per day per item
Government Docs $0.25 per day per item
Maps (selected) $0.25 per day per item
Popular Reading $0.25 per day per item
Videos $0.50 per day for faculty & staff; $0.50 per hour for students
Compact Disc(CD), Digital Video Disc(DVD) & Laser Disc (LD) $0.50 per day for faculty & staff; $0.50 per hour for students
Reserves (Print) 3 hour=$3.00/hour; 2 days or 7 days = $0.50 per day
Reserves (Media) $3 per hour for students, $3 per day for faculty
Laptop Computers (Media) $15.00/hour

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