Answered By: Lisa Louis
Last Updated: Mar 22, 2021     Views: 272

These are the Terms of Use for the laptop kiosks. To check out a laptop from one of the kiosk, you must agree to these terms:

Laptop Kiosk Terms of Use 

I agree to take proper care of the laptop I have checked out and understand that I am responsible for the loss of or damage to the laptop.

I agree to keep the laptop with me for the entire checkout period and agree not to let anyone else use the laptop.

I agree to return the laptop to the kiosk when my checkout period is up. I understand that laptops are checked out for three hours at a time – and must be returned 15 minutes before the library closes.

I understand that the laptop can only be used within the library and cannot be taken outside of the library.

I understand that documents or other work created must be saved to an external storage device such as a flash drive or cloud storage. All files and downloads will be deleted when the laptop is returned to the kiosk and rebooted.

I agree to follow all library policies and procedures related to equipment use at the Mary and Jeff Bell Library.

I understand that I may be contacted via email to participate in a brief survey regarding my experience with the Laptop Kiosk.

Vandalizing, abusing, or stealing library materials or equipment is prohibited under the library's "Guidelines for Use" and will result in suspension of library privileges. In addition, patrons who vandalize, abuse, or steal a device may be reported to law enforcement authorities and be subject to criminal and/or civil penalties.

Contact Us

Ask Us Services are available in person Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Voicemails, emails and texts submitted outside of these hours will be responded to on the next business day.

Ask Us Chat is available 24/7. Note: when the desk in the library is closed, chat is answered by librarians at other institutions.

We look forward to hearing from you!